Minggu, 06 Oktober 2019



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Koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) are one of the marsupial animals typical of Australia and are the sole representatives of the Phascolarctidae family.

In general, many say that the word koala comes from indigenous Australian language which means not to drink. Koalas actually drink water but are very rare because the food, eucalyptus leaves, already contains enough water so that the koala does not need to come down from the tree to drink.

Koalas can be found along Australia's east coast from Adelaide to the Cape York Peninsula, and as far inland as there is sufficient rainfall to support forests suitable for koalas.


File:Koala grooming.ogv
Scratching and grooming

The koala is a stocky animal with a large head and vestigial or non-existent tail. It has a body length of 60–85 cm (24–33 in) and a weight of 4–15 kg (9–33 lb),making it among the largest arboreal marsupials. Koalas from Victoria are twice as heavy as those from Queensland.The species is sexually dimorphic, with males 50% larger than females. Males are further distinguished from females by their more curved noses and the presence of chest glands, which are visible as hairless patches. As in most marsupials, the male koala has a bifurcated penis, and the female has two lateral vaginas and two separate uteri.The male's penile sheath contains naturally occurring bacteria that play an important role in fertilisation. The female's pouch opening is tightened by a sphincter that keeps the young from falling out.


  • Kingdom  : Animalia 
  • Phylum    : Cordata 
  • Class       : Mammalia
  • Infraclass : Masrupialia
  • Order       : Diprotodontia 
  • Family      : Phascolarcditae
  • Genus      : Phascolarctos
  • Species    : P. cinereus 

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What Makes Koala Unique 

koalas are one of the animals that can be said to be funny. he is a very unique star because his job is always to sleep. he can sleep about 12 hours per day. although it looks cute koalas are animals that can harm humans, they have bacteria in their bites. human skin affected by the bite will be infected with a bacterium called Mycobacterium ulcerans. so we have to be careful when near him.



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A cherry blossom  are Japanese national flowers that bloom in the spring, which is around the end of March to the end of June.The origin of the word "sakura" is the word "pocket" (Japanese for "bloom") plus the suffix which states the plural form "ra". 

General Characteristics

Cherry blossom trees are grown for their ornamental qualities, not fruit. Some varieties of flowering cherry do produce fruit, though it is generally small, tart, and preferred by birds rather than humans.There are numerous, species, cultivars, and hybrids under the umbrella name of flowering cherries, but they all share a few common characteristics:

  • They grow fast, but are short-lived. Flowering cherries are prone to a host of diseases that can shorten their lifespan, but even healthy trees rarely live for more than 20 years.
  • They are medium-sized trees, usually growing no more than 15 or 30 feet in height, though some varieties may exceed this size. However, their growth habit varies widely among the different varieties - upright, spreading, and weeping forms are available.

  • Their beauty is hard to match in spring, though some varieties also have bronze or purplish foliage during the growing season and spectacular colors in fall.

Classification  :
  • Kingdom     : Plantae
  • Division      : Magnoliophyta
  • Class           : Magnoliopsida 
  • Ordo           : Rosales 
  • Family         : Rosaceae 
  • Subfamily    : Amygdaloideae
  • Genus          : Prunus 
Types :     

1.Yamazakura (山桜)

bunga sakura Yamazakura

2.  Somei Yoshino (染井吉野)

bunga sakura Someiyoshino

3. Edohigan (江戸彼岸)

sakura Edohigan

4. Shidarezakura (枝垂桜)

bunga sakura Shidarezakura

5. Ichiyou (一葉)


6. Kanzan (関山)

bunga sakura Kanzan

7. Kikuzakura (菊桜)


8. Kanhizakura (寒緋桜)


9. Fugenzou (普賢象)

sakura Fugenzou

10. Ukon (鬱金)

bunga sakura Ukon

What Makes Cherry Blossom Unique.

I would tell you why I choose Cherry Blossom for my article. I like many kinds of Flowers. Like the meaning " Tariza" which means Flower. I choose Cherry Blossom because I think Cherry blossom is unique, cherry blossom not always bloom, they only bloom once a year,  but when Cherry Blossom bloom everyone feels very happy. They really enjoy beauty of cheery blossom. The cherry blossoms also signify a new enthusiasm for Japanese society Cherry Blossom always expected every year. I wish I could see cherry blossom blooming directly in the future. 

1.whether cherry blossoms only grow in Japan?
2. why is cherry blossom so popular?
3. For Japanese citizens, cherry blossoms are not just beautiful plants. Besides being beautiful, he also keeps a deep message. Then what is the philosophy of cherry blossoms?
4. when do the cherry blossoms grow on Okinonawa?
5. Why does the cherry blossom time always differ each year?

Sabtu, 28 September 2019



Hasil gambar untuk heraa hashmi

Heraa Hashmi (born August 25, 1997) is an Indian American Muslim author and activist known as the creator of the Muslims Condemn list which collects instances of Muslims speaking out against bad actions "done falsely in the name of Islam".Responding to criticism online, Hashmi, then a 19-year-old student at the university of Colorado, created a 712-page online spreadsheet with specific examples of Muslims condemning terrorist actions. As of November 2018, the spreadsheet had over 6000 entries and was still available and editable online. With the help of Nigerian developers Ire Aderinokun and Timi Ajiboye, she turned it into a website, Muslims Condemn. The website won her the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research's Muhammad Ali Confident Muslim Award in 2017. It is now being integrated into The Bridge Project, a Georgetown initiative to combat Islamophobia.
Hashmi sees her faith as complementary to her activism stating ""Social justice is a huge part of being a Muslim, but it also doesn't affect the actions I have to take as a Muslim, when it comes to prayer and fasting and going to the pilgrimage."
Hashmi has also been involved in organizing real-life events. These include a 200-person protest at the Denver International Airport following the signing of an executive order by Donald Trump banning citizens of seven primarily Muslim countries from entering the United States, as well as a silent walkout when Ann Coulter came to speak on campus and an interfaith Walk for Unity. In 2017 she was the co-president of the Muslim Student Association at the University of Colorado in Boulder where she studies molecular biology. She is also a contributor for Traversing Tradition, a blog run by a group of young Muslims that strives to provide varied perspectives on modern society through the lenses of Islamic theology, Eastern and Western philosophy, and historical analysis.
Hasmhi grew up in Superior Colorado. She was born in Bihar, India. Her parents are of Indian descent. She wrote and published three novels, The LiarsBlind to Me, and Crimson Ruins, while she was still a student in high school.

From the heraa story that fights for the religion of Islam is a commendable thing that we can emulate. As a generation we must also try to remain steadfast in the way of Allah.

Click Here

1. what should be imitated from a heraa hasmi?
2. when was heraa hasmi born?
3. where was heraa hasmi born?
4. where did she study?
5. what are the titles of the novels he has written?

Kamis, 05 September 2019

Where Does Money Come From?

         Adam had been given a new money box for his birthday. As he put his first coin into it, he asked,"When did people start using money?" "I don't know, but it was probably a very long time ago,"said Adam's dad. " Let's look it up on the Internet after breakfast."

         They were sitting in front of the computer when Adam's dad asked, "What do you think they used for money a long time ago?" "Maybe paper and metal,"said Adam. Finally the search page for the Internet came up on screen. Adam's dad typed in the words "history of money".

         "Here we are," said Adam's dad. "It says that in China cowrie shells were used as a from of money. They were used more than three thousand years ago. Later, the Chinese made metal versions of the cowrie shell. It is believed that other cultures used objects made from metal as well. They were often in the shape of things that were used every day."

          Adam contined reading. The first coins were made in Lydia more than 2500 years ago. They were made from a mix of silver and gold. They had designs on them and looked like beans. Over time the design and shape of coins developed into what we use today. 

            As people began to trade, the use of coins developed and spread. Other metals, such as bronze and gold, were also used.Early coins have famous people, animals and buildings on them. These coins have helped us learn about the history of ancient cultures.

           " Look here " said,Adam's dad. "All these cultures used diffirent things as a form of money. Ancient Greerks used iron nails before coins. Some African countries even used salt. What do you think about that?" Adam could not imagine people carrying those kinds of things around to go shopping! 

       " What about bank notes Dad ?"asked Adam. "Where did they come from?" "I think China"replied his dad, " but let's look it up to make sure." His dad was right. Pleces of white leather were first used as bank notes. The Chinese decorated them with beautiful colors and used them to buy goods.

              Some time before the tenth century, the Chinese started using paper money. This was first true form of the book notes that we use today. The Chinese stopped using this money in the fifteenth century. Several centuries later, paper money began to be used in Europe.

Hasil gambar untuk benua eropa

          "Is money the same in every country?" asked Adam, "No,"said his dad. "Most countries use money, but their coins and bank notes book different. They are different colors and sizes, and have different names. We still use pictures of animals, flowers, buildings and famous people to decorate our money" "Just like to ancient times," said Adam .

              "Today we also use new forms of money, like credit cards and bank cards," said Adam's said. "We use these instead of coins and bank notes." "I wonder that money will look like in the future!" said Adam. "Maybe we will only use cards and electronic forms on computers," replied his dad.


Kamis, 29 Agustus 2019

My Event ( GLOFTEEN )


This held to coincide with national children's day which coincided on July 23. The commemoration of National Children's Day is interpreted as the concern of the whole nation for the protection of Indonesian children in order to grow and develop optimally.

the theme we took in this event was "your love is your bridge of enthusiasm" with the title of the program called "glory of nineteen (GLOFTEEN)"This event is devoted to children to adolescents (4-17 years). 

This event will be held on:
time :Sunday, July 23, 2019
place: bandung city hall
hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

the order of events to be held:
1 08.00-08.15 Opening & Greeting Minister of Education
2 08.15-08.45 Opening from Parents Parents
3 08.45-09.00 Reading Al-Quran Ustadz
4 09.00-09.15 Singing Indonesia Raya ALL
5 09.15-10.00 Fashion Show (regional clothes) Children
6 10.00-10.15 Play Music instument and Singing Raka, Rafa, and Syifa
7 10.15-10.30 Traditional Dancing (Jaipong)  children ( 4-7 years )
8 10.30-10.45 Traditional Dancing (Kipas)  Children ( 10-15 years )
9 10.45-11.00 Modern Dance (K-Pop) children (16-17 years)
10 11.00-11.15 Modern Dance (Ballet) Children (5-8 years)
11 11.15-11.20 Reading poems Rania
12 11.20-11.30 Reading Story (sundanese) Naila
13 11.30-11.40 Reading Story (English) Derby
14 11.40-12.10 BREAK
15 12.10-12.30 Drama Show
16 12.30-14.30 Contest
17 14.30-15.00 prize distribution and closing

Committe layout

In order for the event to be carried out well, it must have an event committee. The following are the committee:

Person in charge: Ahmad Tohir
Chair of the committee: Muhammad Hasan
Secretary: Siti Muslimah
Treasurer: Umi Khasanah
Sek. Event: Rusdi
Sek. Equipment: Hamid
Sek. Consumption: Early Fira

Budget of Funds

This activity received funding from various parties. As follows the breakdown of fund income.

Al-Mubaroq Mosque Cash: IDR 500,000
Village Cash: IDR 1,000,000
Citizen Contribution Fund: Rp. 500,000
Funds from Sponsors: Rp. 1,000,000

So get funds with a total total of Rp. 3,000,000. Need funds for several expenses according to the following details.

Host: IDR 500,000
Stage Rental: IDR 2,000,000
Musical Instrument Rental: IDR 2,000,000
Stage Management Fund: IDR 500,000
Consumption Fee: IDR 800,000
Banner: IDR 300,000
Other: IDR 200,000
The total expenses for this event are IDR 6,300,000

Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2019



Tariza : Hi, Gina! Have you been waiting long? I'm sorry came late.
Gina   : It's Ok, no problem. I also came new.
Tariza : By the way, how are you? Long time no see. I'm so miss you.
Gina   : I'm great! How about you? I miss you to. 
Tariza : I'm fine. I heard you accepted in Stamford University
Gina   : Yeah, I'm grateful I can accepted in there. 
Tariza : Oh, congratulation for your success. I hope we can be success together.
Gina   : Thank you. I hope so. How about you? Where have you been? 
Tariza : Alhamdulillah, next week I will graduated at UI medical school.
Gina   : Oh, congratulation. You deserve it. 
Tariza : Thank's a lot. See you next time. Bye.
Gina   : Ok, see you later, Tariza. Bye


Hasil gambar untuk floating market


Floating Market's one of those tourist spots. Floating Market located at Grand Hotel street no. 33E, Lembang. Floating Market is easy enough to spot, as it's in the center of a Lembang city. It's only 17 km from Bandung and 159 km from Jakarta. This resort covers 7 ha. 

Floating Market as if it was providing refershment, comfort, and beauty. There is also a floating market thet provides a wide variety of food. But don't imagine it like the Lok Baintan floating market or Muara Kuin in Kalimantan. Only places for selling various foods are in the boat. To enjoy the culinary, we stay on land in the row of food places available. In addition to the floating culinary market, there are also several cafes and other dining places with a beautiful atmosphere. Besides culinary, in the area we will find many interesting spots that we can enjoy with family. In addition to rides, in the Floating market area there are also many beautiful spots that we can enjoy.

The atmosphere at this favorite tourist spot is quite beautiful, green and neat. Supported with fresh air typical of Lembang. The payment on this place used a special coin. You may exchange money for a certain amount of coins for a specific value. This coin will be used to pay for food here.

Hasil gambar untuk floating market

In addition to the floating market that makes this place unique, there are many other things that can make such a mini city a new building, there are also Japanese and Korean costume rental places that are suitable for people who like to take selfies and upload them on the instragram. Here there is a very beautiful place and very suitable for people who like to take pictures and save for memories. water rides are other vehicles found in the Floating Market that can be enjoyed together with family. And many other things that can be enjoyed.

Floating market entrance prices are arguably quite affordable with the interesting things provided which is an ordinary day of Rp. 15,000
Weekend / holiday Rp. 20,000 and with parking rates for motorbike Rp. 5,000 and car Rp. 10,000.

Kamis, 01 Agustus 2019

my self

My name is Tariza Az-Zahra. You can call me Tarisa. i am from Bandung. I'm from junior high school 45 bandung. I am the first child from two sister. my mother name is LIsnawati,S.pd and my father name is Edi Solihan,S.pd. I live in Tamansari street no.25. My father is a enterpreneur and my mother is house wife. the last my young sister name is Sherly Handayani, she is a student at junior high school PGII 1 Bandung.

My hobby is reading, wathing video, swimming, learn qur'an, writing poems or diary. In the future i want to be a pediatrician and i want to a hafidzah, I have many other dreams. i hope i can help many people. i hope an example to others. 

In my life i want to have many friend. My fondest when i was child because i was a kid i feel very happy without trouble life i just know playing, playing and playing. And i very like listen the story before sleep. I know many fairy tales and very fantastic.