Minggu, 28 November 2021




                The Influence of Social Media on Teenagers

Social media has become a space where we form and build relationships, form our identities, express ourselves, and learn about the world around us. However, it should be reiterated that like technology in general, the use of social media certainly has good and bad effects on various aspects of its users lives, especially in terms of users' mental health. Considering that social media users are mostly teenagers and at that age is a very important phase for their emotional and psychosocial development.

The existence of social media makes everyone able to communicate even at great distances. Besides being able to make friends with many people. Social media can also be used as a medium of information, whether in education, social, or politics. Finally, social media can also be used for us to share the knowledge we have by posting on social media.

On the other hand, there is a positive impact that can be obtained, there is a negative side from uncontrolled use of social media. Among them, teenagers can experience social disorders, become selfish individuals. And also makes someone addicted and some even experience depression due to their dependence on social media.

So that we can benefit and provide benefits to many people. Social media has both positive and negative impacts. But we can not avoid the development of these technologies. We can only control ourselves how we use it wisely. 



What is renewable energy?

Renewable energy, often referred to as clean energy, comes from natural sources or processes that are constantly replenished. For example, sunlight or wind keep shining and blowing, even if their availability depends on time and weather.

Types of renewable energy source

1. Solar Energy

    Solar, or photovoltaic (PV), cells are made from silicon or other materials that transform sunlight directly into electricity. Distributed solar systems generate electricity locally for homes and businesses, either through rooftop panels or community projects that power entire neighborhoods.

2. Wind Energy

Wind energy turns a turbine’s blades, which feeds an electric generator and produces electricity.

3. Biomass Energy 

    Biomass is organic material that comes from plants and animals, and includes crops, waste wood, and trees. When biomass is burned, the chemical energy is released as heat and can generate electricity with a steam turbine.

4. Geothermal Energy

    Earth’s core is about as hot as the sun’s surface, due to the slow decay of radioactive particles in rocks at the center of the planet. Drilling deep wells brings very hot underground water to the surface as a hydrothermal resource, which is then pumped through a turbine to create electricity. Geothermal plants typically have low emissions if they pump the steam and water they use back into the reservoir. There are ways to create geothermal plants where there are not underground reservoirs, but there are concerns that they may increase the risk of an earthquake in areas already considered geological hot spots.

The Advantages of Renewable Energy Resources

1) A Fuel Supply That Never Runs Out

    As the name suggests, renewable energy is created from sources that naturally replenish themselves – such as sunlight, wind, water, biomass, and even geothermal (underground) heat.

2) Cleaner Air and Water

    Renewable energy creates no pollution, waste, or contamination risks to air and water. And while the COVID-19 lockdowns gave us a glimpse of clear skies in major cities all over the world, renewable energy has the potential to make clean air the new normal.

3) Renewable Energy Creates New Jobs

  With an increasing focus on global warming and many governments setting ambitious carbon-reduction goals, one of the surprising renewable energy advantages is that it has quickly become a major source of new job growth.

The Disadvantages of Renewable Energy

1) Higher Capital Costs

2) Electricity Production Can Be Unreliable

3) Energy Storage Is a Challenge

4) It’s Impacted by Environmental Conditions

5) Renewables Still Have a Carbon Footprint

Senin, 31 Mei 2021



Angkie Yudistia (born 5 May 1987 ; age 34 years) is the founder of Thisable Enterprise, a cadre of the Indonesian Justice and Unity Party (PKPI), and deaf people with disabilities . Graduated from SMAN 2 Bogor, Angkie then continued his studies at the Department of Communication at the London School of Public Relations, Jakarta. In 2008, he was appointed as one of the Jakarta Abang None finalists. Still in the same year, she was named "The Most Fearless Female Cosmopolitan 2008". She wrote a book entitled Deaf Women, Men Penansi Borders .

He also collaborates with Gojek Indonesia to employ people with disabilities at Go-Auto and Go-Glam. In 2019, he was appointed as Special Staff to President Joko Widodo

Even though the person with disabilities Angkie who is also a member of the Indonesian Justice and Unity Party (PKPI) is actually known by the wider community as an inspiring young woman. His limitations do not prevent him from realizing his dreams. Instead, she transformed into a female figure with a myriad of achievements.

Her hearing began to disappear when the woman wearing the hijab turned 10 years old. It is suspected that this could not be separated from the "mistake" of using drugs when he was stricken with several diseases, including malaria. The incident had hit him and he felt insecure. However, the strong support from his family and loved ones, especially his mother, slowly managed to raise him from adversity. Angkie completed high school education at SMA Negeri 2 Bogor. Then the daughter of the couple Hadi Sanjoto and Indiarty Kaharman continued her education by studying at the communication faculty at the London School of Public Relations Jakarta. On this campus, this woman who is known to love writing won her master's degree in 2010. In 2008, the woman who was doing activities using hearing aids participated in the Abang None Jakarta event and was successfully selected as one of the finalists from the West Jakarta electoral district. Still in the same year, she also successfully won the award as The Most Fearless Female Cosmopolitan 2008. Angkie continues to work to realize one dream at a time. In 2011, she published a book entitled "Deaf Women Penetrating Boundaries." His second book entitled "Setinggi Langit" appeared on the market two years later. In 2019, Angkie launched his third book entitled "Become Rich as a Sociopreneur". Still in 2011, the woman who has been active in the Sehjira Deaf Foundation since 2009 then founded a company called Thisable Enterprise. Previously, Angkie had worked for several large companies such as IBM Indonesia and Geo Link Nusantara, until finally he decided to establish Thisable Enterprise. Angkie founded the institution with the aim of empowering Indonesian disability groups to have the abilities and skills, and channel them to the world of work, especially in the creative economy industry. According to him, currently the disability group is still having trouble getting a job. Angkie hopes that through the existence of Thisable Enterprise, people with disabilities will be able to compete in the world of work so that their economy can be lifted properly. "I know how difficult it is to get a job. I understand how it feels to survive among the difficulties of accessing being a minority. But I try to always believe that every disability has its own role in development. Being recognized as an equal citizen is the dream of every disability and I try to to make it real, "said Angkie in an interview.

By reading the biography of Angkie Yudistia, I got a lot of valuable lessons about life, especially about how we are grateful for what we have and let go of what happens. Physical limitations are not a barrier for someone to achieve their dreams. That's what I got from the figure of Angkie Yudistia.

"Angkie was born in Medan on May 5, 1987, his hearing began to fade when the woman wearing a hijab turned 10 years old. This incident had caused a loss of self-confidence. However, the support from his family and closest people, especially the mother, slowly managed to arouse his enthusiasm. . "This part makes me feel touched and touched. The first time he saw he could not hear normally, he was very embarrassed, sad, unsure of himself, and even felt hopeless. However, thanks to the support of his parents, he was able to get back up and make many achievements, even though Angkie experienced limitations in his audience. Now he is a spokesman for the president

Never give up on your dream, whatever happens, it is the best plan that God has written for us. We have to show that we are able to make dreams come true with all the strengths we have.

This journal is very interesting to read because we read a lot of lessons.

Minggu, 28 Februari 2021

Procedure Text

How To Make Oobleck

Oobleck is a mixture of cornstarch and water. Two ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen cupboards! You can also add some food coloring to it. We made ours green to turn it into a pretend Witch’s brew for Halloween. You can leave it without color or make any color you like.

This simple oobleck recipe is easy to do and kids will love touching and playing with it! If your kids love to play with slime then they will also love oobleck. 

What Is Oobleck?

Oobleck isn’t a liquid or a solid, it’s a non-Newtonian fluid. At times, it may seem like a solid or a liquid but it acts differently than a normal solid or liquid. Making oobleck is a great science experiment to show how changes in pressure can change the properties of some materials. Sort of like how temperature changes the properties of water. Cold or freezing temperatures turns water into ice. Whereas warm temperatures melts ice and turns it into a liquid.

Here’s how to see the difference you can make by applying pressure to your oobleck: Apply quick pressure with a spoon and this will increase the oobleck’s viscosity by forcing the cornstarch particles together. It will feel hard and you can even form the oobleck into a ball if you try with your hands. Release your pressure or slowly dip your spoon into the mixture and it will act like it’s more like water. By moving slowly, the cornstarch particles have time to move out of the way.

Here’s what you’ll need to make this oobleck recipe:

Note: Cornstarch may also be referred to as cornflour. Make sure you are using the white cornflour.

How Long Does Oobleck Last?

Oobleck will last a day. After that it starts to go bad.

To dispose of the oobleck, we like to let it dry out overnight. The next day, you can take a spoon and smash it up into little pieces that can be placed in your green bin. If you want to wash it out, make sure to mix it with a lot of hot water. 

How to Make Oobleck: Step-by-Step Instructions

Here are the step-by-step instructions for how to make oobleck: 

1. Mix 2 cups of cornstarch to 1 cup of water into a bowl. Mix the cornstarch and water until your oobleck is formed.

Tip: If you would like to color your oobleck, add your food coloring to your water and then mix with the cornstarch.

2. If you find the mixture is a little too watery and not forming into a solid when you pull the oobleck out of your bowl then add more cornstarch. If you find the mixture is not dripping like a liquid, add a little more water. Just keep experimenting until you get the consistency of oobleck.

Activity Suggestions: 

  • Take a potato masher or spoon and hit the top of the oobleck quickly. You’ll notice the spoon or utensil will bounce off, giving the appearance that the oobleck is a solid. As mentioned above, this is because the pressure forces the cornstarch particles together increasing the oobleck’s viscosity. Then move slowly into the oobleck with your spoon and this will allow the particles time to move out of the way which will let you dip it into the oobleck.
  • Pick up the oobleck with your hands and form a ball. Then let go of the ball and watch it melt into your hands like magic!
  • Link video : 

Minggu, 22 November 2020

Recommendation Letter

November, 2020

Tariza Az-Zahra

SMAN 3 Bandung

Belitung Street No.8 

Bandung, 47890

To whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter to recommend Gina Putri Nuryeni for a Stanford University scholarship. I am the principal of his school and have known her for the last three years.

Gina is a student with good character, smart, active, and disciplined. I highly recommend her because she is very good at doing and understanding physics and chemistry. She is good at drawing too. She is a student who does not give up easily and he is also very adaptable to her environment.

Besides being good in terms of academics, she is also a friend who is able to help her friends who are in trouble. She also has a very noble dream to become a veterinarian. She really loves and likes animals.

I am very happy to recommend her, because I believe she is the right student to get this scholarship. Her hard work and determination will leave you proud and impressed. I hope you can consider this recommendation.

Please contact me with any questions and let me know if I can provide any additional information in support of this deserving student. You may reach me at 022-9457-3245 or azzahra03@gmail.com.


Tariza Az-Zahra

My Ambitions

Hello everyone, my name is Tariza Az-Zahra. I am a student of SMAN 3 Bandung who is now in grade 2. I am the first child and eldest grandchild in the family. I certainly have a lot of responsibilities and burdens that I have to fulfill.

I have a dream to become a pediatrician. I really want to complete my undergraduate degree at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia and continue my Masters in medicine in Germany. I really hope I can be a good example for my younger siblings. I really want to be someone who is successful and I don't want to be a pain to other people. I want my life not to be in vain, I want to carve out my works and achievements for my nation, country, and also my religion. I also hope that I can become a minister of health who can bring change for the better.

I know the struggle and the process of getting there will not be as easy as predicted there will be lots of challenges, tears, trials, and other things that make me want to try to give up. But that's not my reason to give up and fail. Everything will be fine as long as I have Allah and hope will always be there. Failure will come when I feel hopeless and struggling. I'm sure all your prayers and efforts will not be in vain. Every tear and sweat that has happened so far I believe one day will be smiles and pride. All the prayers from parents, family, teachers, and friends meant a lot to me. Because nothing else can match a good prayer. I hope their prayers and good wishes will come true soon. I did all this to prepare for my death. I really hope Allah will bless and bless it. I hope that my death will be the happiest day that has ever happened in my life.

All I do is nothing but because of Allah and for Allah. I am successful because of Allah, I am happy because of Allah, and other things that will happen all the will of Allah.